SSL certificates

Enabling SSL termination on load balancers

Enable automatic SSL termination

You can activate SSL termination on HAProxy 1.5.x or higher and Amazon Elastic Load Balancer through the Cloud 66 SSL certificate feature.

If you need help getting started with SSL and certificates on Cloud 66 follow our detailed SSL guide.

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer

To register an SSL certificate with Amazon Elastic Load Balancer, first, generate your certificate(s). If you're not sure how to do this, follow our blog post on the subject.

You can upload your SSL certificates to the relevant load balancers using the AWS dashboard or the command line interface.

Using the AWS dashboard

  • Sign in to the AWS management console and open the Amazon EC2 console.
  • Select your load balancer and upload a new SSL certificate (or choose an existing one).
  • If it's a new certificate, enter a name for the certificate and copy paste the contents of the private key file and the public key file into the related fields, then save.

Check certificate validity

Ensure that the certificate is valid. The current date must be between the certificate’s start and end dates. You must also remove any passphrases from your certificate keys.

Using the AWS command line

Through the AWS ELB command line interface:

  • Run the command below to add a new SSL certificate:
$ iam-servercertupload -b <CA authenticated SSL> -k <private key file(.pem)> -s <certificate name>  -c  <certificate chain file> –v
  • You should retrieve any available SSL certificate using this command:
$ iam-servercertlistbypathx
  • Run the command below to attach the SSL certificate to the load balancer:
$ elb-create-lb-listeners ELBConfigureSSL --listener "protocol=HTTPS,lb-port=443,instance-port=80,instance-protocol=HTTP, cert-id=&<certificate name>"
  • To delete a certificate, run the following command:
$ iam-servercertdel -s <certificate name>

Refer to the AWS documentation for more information.

Troubleshooting SSL certificates