Build & Config

Customizing service build commands


If your service needs a custom build process, you can configure this in your application's service.yml file. If you're unfamiliar with custom service configurations, please read our introductory guide first.

You can use the directives below in your service.yml to customize how a service's image is built.

Build command

Specifies the command you would like to run during initial application build (runs on your Kubernetes host).

        build_command: bundle exec rake db:schema:load

Build root

Specifies the directory of your repository in which you wish to run your build. You can also specify a Dockerfile path, which will be the Dockerfile used when building your service which is a relative value to this one.

    build_root: my_app_subfolder

This will default to the root folder of your repository if not specified.


Specifies the command used to start your container(s) (runs on your Kubernetes host).

        command: bundle exec rails s

Deploy command

Specifies the command you would like to run during every application deploy (runs once per service).

    deploy_command: bundle exec rake db:migrate

Dockerfile path

Specifies a relative path for your Dockerfile (from your build_root) to be used for building this service. For example, if you have a subfolder in the root of your repository called docker where your Dockerfile lives, you can specify this as follows:

    dockerfile_path: docker/Dockerfile

This will default to the value of build_root/Dockerfile if not specified.


The Git repository URL from which your image will be built. The Git URL you use to allow us access to your repository will differ for public and private repositories.


Git branch

The Git repository branch your Docker image will be based on, for example master.

    git_branch: master


The source of your Docker image, which can come from a private repository that the credentials are provided. For Docker Hub images, use the following URL format:

    image: <namespace>/<image_name>:/<tag>

If you are pulling a public image from Docker Hub, use the following format:

    image: <namespace>/<image_name>:/<tag>

If you are using for your image repository, you will use the following URL format:


Using Habitus for builds

Habitus is a build workflow tool for Docker. It allows you to create a build workflow consisting of multiple steps for your Cloud 66 application. To enable Habitus you need to do the following:

  1. Add a build.yml to your repository
  2. Set use_habitus attribute to true in your service.yml
  3. Set the use_habitus_step to the step you would like to use for your service in your service.yml

Check out the Habitus website for more information about generating a build.yml. Read our guide to using service.yml for more help on custom service configurations.

Managing Application Updates