Getting started
Learn about Cloud 66 and how to get started.
What is Cloud 66?
Cloud 66 is an end-to-end solution for building, deploying and managing applications on any cloud. We build your code directly from your repository (or from pre-built images if you prefer). We also take care of provisioning and managing your application servers and other components (such as load balancers and databases).
Who is Cloud 66 for?
Cloud66 is for software developers and teams who want to build and deploy applications to the cloud, without the hassle and expense of an entire DevOps team.
Quick Start
A step-by-step guide to deploying your application to any cloud.
The Basics
Learn the basic and core concepts of Cloud 66.
Command Line Interface
A guide to get you started with Cloud 66 Toolbelt
Technical specifications
Component versions, operating system and platform details
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